The Role of Atlantic Ni?o in tropical interbasin interactions
張磊 研究員
邀請人/報告會主持人 : 林鵬飛 研究員
Atlantic Ni?o is the dominant mode of interannual climate variability in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, which is associated with prominent changes in climate conditions in the region. Through atmospheric teleconnection processes, the Atlantic Ni?o is also intimately connected with both the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. By analyzing observational data sets and performing numerical experiments, we investigate the interactions between the Atlantic Ni?o and the other two tropical ocean basins. Specifically, we explore the possible role of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in triggering the Atlantic Ni?o. Furthermore, we also examine the remote influence of the Atlantic Ni?o on the development of El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in recent decades. Our findings underscore a profound role of the Atlantic Ni?o in tropical interbasin interactions.
本科、碩士畢業于中國海洋大學海洋與大氣學院,2015年獲得美國夏威夷大學氣象學博士學位。先后就職于夏威夷大學以及科羅拉多大學大氣與海洋科學系。2022年6月起就職于中國科學院南海海洋研究所熱帶海洋環境國家重點實驗室(LTO)。主要研究方向為“熱帶大尺度海氣相互作用”,重點關注“熱帶洋際相互作用的物理過程及其氣候效應”。在Science Advances、Nature Communications、Nature Geoscience等期刊發表論文50余篇。多項研究成果入選AGU Research Highlight。主持相關人才計劃項目?,F任Geophysical Research Letters與Journal of Climate副主編。