Hysteresis and reversibility of climate change
Dr. Peili Wu
The Met Office Hadley Centre, UK
邀請人/報告會主持人 :周天軍 研究員
Climate change is a major challenge for humanity in the coming century. We emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as we industrialize and we then try to reduce/remove them again from the atmosphere to protect our living environment. This talk will cover the concepts of hysteresis and reversibility in climate change, and an overview of reversible and irreversible changes in the climate system. Are we able to reverse all human induced climate change if we want to? Which components are more/less reversible? On what sort of timescales? It will be a very interesting talk for you whether you are interested in climate change politics, science, impacts, adaptation or policies.
Peili Wu is a senior climate scientist at the Met Office Hadley Centre in the UK. He obtained a PhD in atmospheric dynamics and DIC in physics from Imperial College London. He then worked as postdoc in physical oceanography at Edinburgh University before joining the Hadley Centre. He has a broad interest in climate dynamics mainly involving physics, the water cycle in particular. He published some useful papers on topics such as mechanisms of the AMO, hydrological hysteresis, climate change reversibility etc. Some recent work includes precipitation variability and flash drought.